January 2nd, 2011 | ||
Topic: RE & Separation Codes Noticing that people keep asking about RE codes, I decided to Google the subject, and I found this. I cannot guarantee any accuracy. To help in searching for your code, I categorized this as best as I could.

Bupers Manual Article C 10310 Code 36e
BUPERSMAN is the Bureau of Naval Personnel Manual. It was the regulation that governed, among other things, administrative separations for enlisted members of the Navy.ARTICLE C-10306 OF THE BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL MANUAL PROVIDES THAT THE BUREAU MAY AUTHORIZE OR DIRECT THE DISCHARGE OF ENLISTED PERSONNEL FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE REASONS THEREIN STATED INCLUDING EARLY. RE-3D- Failure to meet disciplinary standards. Ineligible for enlistment, unless waiver is granted. Demonstrated dependency or hardship not meeting criteria specified in Bupersman article C-10308. RE-3E- Failure to meet education prerequisites. Fully qualified for enlistment provided education criteria is met. Casio ctk 3200 driver download windows 10. Erroneous induction.