- Download Lagu Akb0048 Yume Wa Nando Mo Umarekawaru
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- Yume Wa Nando Mo Umarekawaru
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- Yume Wa Nando Mo Umarekawaru
Hito wa umarete hito wa shinde yuku Nikutai wa horobiru yo Hai no naka kara Yomigaeru mono wa jounetsu Tsugi no sedai e. Yume wa riinkaaneeshon Nando demo dejabyuu no you na Tooi kioku Maru de riinkaaneeshon Ima mo mada muishiki no uchi ni Dokoka e hashitteru. Ikutsume no namida de Akirameru no ka Ikutsume no inochi de Kanau mono na no ka. Yume wa Nando mo Umarekawaru. Posted by Ella Fransz at 4:25 AM No comments: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Wednesday, July 25, 2012. River river river. Posted by Ella Fransz at 5:36 AM No comments: Email This BlogThis!
- Artist
- Song
- Yume wa Nandomo Umarekawaru (夢は何度も生まれ変わる; Dreams are Reborn Over and Over)
- Lyrics
- Akimoto Yasushi
- Music
- Ito Shintaro
- Other Information
- Arrangement: Ito Shintaro
'Yume wa Nandomo Umarekawaru' is a song recorded by NO NAME. It was used as the ending theme song for the anime AKB0048. It appears on the single 'Kibou ni Tsuite' as track #2.
There are currently two versions of 'Yume wa Nandomo Umarekawaru' to be found in NO NAME's discography. These versions are:
- Yume wa Nandomo Umarekawaru (Original)
- Found on the 'Kibou ni Tsuite' single as track #2.
- Yume wa Nandomo Umarekawaru (off vocal ver.)
- Found on the 'Kibou ni Tsuite' single as track #5. This is the standard version without the main vocals.
External Links
- STUDIO48: 'Yume wa Nandomo Umarekawaru' lyrics
Yeah, I've got enough characters to write this, and a few more chapters, but I need a few more understudies^^ I decided to cut the number of characters down, to not get such an overwhelming amount of (practically) unknown characters.
This chapter features three of the understudies I've gotten, Eimi, Mikoto and Ami.
I do also have to say that I will have to (at least try to) develop the characters I get, in order to make the story more interesting.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own AKB0048, nor a lot of these characters.
Chapter 1: We mustn't let the dream die
Akiyama Eimi sat up in her bed, and rubbed her eyes before throwing a glance at the clock at her bedside table. 5 AM. She smiled, and got up. She quickly dressed in an outfit she had picked out the daybefore. It was a nice-looking outfit, but it wasn't so nice that it would wake suspicions. She brushed her hair, and braided a part of it on the left side of her head in her usual side-cornrow braid, and looked at herself. She picked up a small bag containing a video camera, her phone, a small mic made from cardboard, mostly for symbolic reasons. She quietly made her way through the deadly quiet, big villa. When she got to the door, she carefully pressed down the handle, and went outside.
No-one was out at the hour she had decided to get up at; It was Sunday, and all of the citizens of Devastar had their day off for the week. She quickly walked the street down the street, being hyper aware of her surroundings. She got to an old, dusty building and she looked up at it's towering height for a second, before looking around her. As she saw no-one, she walked around the building, and used the broken back door to get in.
She searched her way as far inside the building while still knowing the way out. She wiped the dust off an old desk with her hand, and placed the camera there. She picked up her phone, and put it to the right of the camera. She quickly put the song she was going to sing to on standby on her phone, and started the recording on the camera, and got into position. She flicked her wrist, and her phone picked up and recognized the command. The song she had selected started to play, Yume wa Nando mo Umarekawaru.

As she sang along to the music, she was nervous, of course, but she had sung it so many times under her breath, in her head, and secretly, that she'd reckon she could almost sing it in her sleep. She didn't dance to it, as she wasn't confident in her dancing skills.
A few minutes later, she stood by the table, looking at the tape. When she didn't find anything she could do better by doing a second take, she transferred the film to her phone, and added it to an E-mail, along with her contact information, and encrypted it. She took a deep breath, knowing that she wouldn't be able to turn back if she passed, and sent it.
And with that, she went back to the back entrance of the building, and carefully headed home.
Izanami Mikoto, a seemingly 'normal' girl living on Kamistar hurried home. She had just found it today. It was time for 00's auditions for the new generation understudies. She was in her school uniform, and her light blue hair flowed in the wind. She was walking home, and a few years earlier, when she had just started at her school, other kids had wondered why she, as a really rich kid would walk, and not have a limo or something get her. She didn't walk alone most of the time, and she didn't have that far home, so she did not really mind.
In a matter of minutes, Mikoto got to the gates to her family's mansion. They swiftly opened, letting her in, before closing again. She swiftly walked upstairs, and was extremely thankful that her father wasn't home at the moment; She wasn't entirely sure that he'd support her choice. Just as she was about to open her door, first a door opened to her left, and a boy peeked his head out through the doorway, and then another head peeked through the next doorway as well.
'Yo, Miko. What are you up to?' The first boy asked.
'Nothing really, Eriol.'
'So you do have something you don't want to tell us,' the other twin grinned.
'Not really, Ciel,' Mikoto replied, but being the youngest sibling, the twins didn't listen to her.
'Considering you went straight upstairs to your room, instead of getting a meal after school, plus the fact that you clearly hurried home, clearly there is something you want to get done...' Ciel grinned.
'You know, you can tell us,' Eriol added. Mikoto sighed.
'I've got nothing to hide,' she said.
Download Lagu Akb0048 Yume Wa Nando Mo Umarekawaru
'... Really?' Ciel said, clearly not believing her. 'But fine, be on your way, we'll find out soon enough.'
Mikoto just walked through the door to her room.
Once inside, she changed clothes, and sat down by her desk. She picked up her phone, and swiftly flipped through pages, until she found the one she wanted. Quickly checking the information, she smiled as she was correct. She put her phone down on her table, and set her video camera beside it. She started the recording, as well as the music on her phone, and then she began to sing and dance to Yume wo shinaseru wake ni ikanai (she was so happy she had checked if the walls were soundproof; She wasn't entirely sure how her brothers would react if they realized what she was doing.)
She transferred the recording to her computer, and set up the application to 00. She wondered for a split second whether she should encrypt the message or not, but decided to do it; Entertainment wasn't banned at Kamistar, but not truly accepted either. Then, she sent the message, and a second later, a knock sounded from her door, and it opened. Two almost identical heads popped out from behind the door, both grinning widely.
'So that's what you were doing?'

Yume Wa Nando Mo Umarekawaru Lyrics
As a girl born on Sakaestar, Fujishiba Ami was expected to audition for SKE0048 as soon as she could, and Ami herself didn't dislike the thought of that, but after a very interesting turn of events, Ami had found out about a similar, yet with much more excitement - and interstellar - idol group, AKB0048. She had gotten curious, since back on Earth (not that Ami knew too much about it), SKE48, which was the original SKE0048, was a sister group founded from AKB48, which seemed to be the predecessor of AKB0048. Sure enough, when she checked it out on the net, that was what she found, and that (plus the fact of the occasional battles with DES) appealed to her. As it was, she was searching the house for the eldest of her three younger siblings, Hibiki.
Yume Wa Nando Mo Umarekawaru
'Hibiki?' Ami yelled as she looked. 'Hey, Hibiki!'
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'Yeah?' Ami jumped at the sudden question behind her. Somehow Hibiki had managed to sneak up on her elder sister, and scared her. She giggled.
'I need your help,' Ami said after recovering.
'With what?' The younger purplette asked.
'I am thinking of auditioning for 00.' Ami brushed her dark purple bangs out of her eyes.
'SKE?' Hibiki looked at her. 'Why do you need my help with that? Not that I will complain, I mean, you'd fit right in.'
'No, not for SKE,' Ami exclaimed, 'for AKB. It's an interstellar version of SKE… Well technically, AKB existed before SKE, and they perform in front of a lot larger crowds.'
'So you mean you want to fight DES?' Ami sweatdropped at Hibiki's perception abilities. After all, it was partly right.
'I guess that's a minor part with it.' Ami sighed. 'Will you help me record my audition?'
'On two conditions,' Hibiki stated. 'One, if you fail, you'll audition for SKE. Two, I'll get your room if you pass.' Ami looked at her sister for a moment. Hibiki sure could be a scary business ma-... woma-... girl, when she wanted to.
'Then I'll help you!' The younger pushed Ami back to her room, skidded away, and re-arrived a minute later with a camera in hand. At Ami's rosen eyebrow, she answered.
'I borrowed it from Erika.'
'I should've guessed that,' Ami simply said.
'Yup,' Hibiki beamed, and sat down on Ami's bed. Ami put a disc with songs from SKE48's time in her stereo, after all, SKE had done several of AKB's original songs, not to mention several of the members were part of AKB at some point in their lives, plus, they had sung a lot of AKB's songs as well. She finally picked a song, and walked in front of Hibiki who rose her camera. Hibiki started recording, and put the song, Yume no Kane, on play.
When the song ended, and Hibiki stopped the camera, Ami sat down panting.
'You know, sis',' Hibiki said, 'there's nothing wrong with your voice, but you do really need to improve your stamina and dancing.'
'Yeah, I know,' Ami said. 'I would have had to do it, even if it was SKE I was auditioning for.'
'Yup.' Hibiki smiled and held up Ami's phone. 'You want it here?'

'Yeah, but I can do tha-...'
'Done! I'll go give this back to Erika now!' Like that, HIbiki was out the room.
'I swear, either she's really good at acting, or that way in general...' Ami mumbled as her blazing red eyes strayed in the doorway from which her younger sister had left. Then she picked up her phone, found the video file, and sent her application.
This is kind of a prologue chapter, hence it is much shorter than I'd like it to be. Hopefully I'll be able to make the chapters longer as the girls finally meet.
Also, I do still need 3 characters; One for the 200th gen (and I do kind of need this one to be able to finish the next chapter), and two for the 199th gen. No staff and successors.
Yume Wa Nando Mo Umarekawaru Download
Oh, and everyone who want credit for their characters, please tell me (either through review or PM), so I can add your name.
Additional characters in this chapter:
Eriol - Brother of Izanami Mikoto; Twin of Ciel
Ciel - Brother of Izanami Mikoto; Twin of Eriol
Hibiki - Younger sister of Fujishiba Ami
Yume Wa Nando Mo Umarekawaru
Erika - Friend of Hibiki